Grab your cup of coffee and get ready to save all the things! 

This is your pour of sip-able social media updates, strategies, trends, stories, must listen podcast recs + more!

So here it is, YOUR WEEKLY SIP:
Shaken (social updates), stirred (strategies to implement), with a twist (ride or die podcast recs + a takeaway) and poured into a tall, refreshing, ice cold glass for you to SIP. 

Let’s start with, THE SOCIAL SIP:
Social media updates that I actually LOVE (and you should too – here’s why!)

1 – Your Instagram just got a virtual storefront – You can now pin 3 posts to the top of your Instagram grid (Think: Featuring your BEST STUFF)

What do you want to make sure someone coming to your feed doesn’t miss? What do you want to feature or highlight in that space? Think of a post that deserves the spotlight (not to be buried in the feed). A few ideas – a post that showcases part of your client experience, a post that gives value (share your best advice / industry expertise), and something about YOU (build know, like and trust instantly – convert followers to friends)!

2 – 90 Second Reels – To my fellow longer winded friends, this is for us! – You can now record reels up to 90 seconds (we can thank TikTok for both of these IG updates)

I love this for tip style reels – think your very own industry advice column in 90 second video format! Take your usual longer form captions and turn them into reels where you talk face to cam and share your feedback. My favorite thing about these: ZERO fancy editing required!

I dare you to create 3 this week! Put on your reels uniform, find some great natural light and hit record!

Here are your topics:

1 – Share the answer to your top client FAQ

2 – Share an update about your industry (ie: an easy to understand market update – skip the industry jargon & explain it simply)

3 – Bust a common myth about your industry

TO SIP ON (with AirPods):
My Ride or Die Podcasts Part 1 (+ a fav episode rec for each one):

GOAL DIGGER PODCAST (my ride or die since day 1 of my podcast listener life)

Is Your Brand Cohesive & Original *This happens to be one of my fav episodes ever! You will love it if you struggle with knowing if your brand should be more personal or not!

THE SKINNY CONFIDENTIAL (my ride or die for all things life, health, & juicy interviews)

6 Strategies to Gain More Focus & Get Better Results In Life

THE PRETTY AWKWARD ENTREPRENEUR PODCAST (my ride or die for thinking outside the box)

The Key to Sparking Creativity Isn’t Always Business Related

IT’S ABOUT TIME (my ride or die for all things time management)

Doing All The Things: Time Management & QUARTERLY Planning (if you’re not a big fan of annual planning, this is for you)!

HUSTLE HUMBLY (my real estate ride or die + biz bestie’s podcast)

The Forever Home Myth (linking the most recent which I loved but you’ll definitely want to binge them all)

(As heard on Amy Porterfield’s Podcast):

“If you’re feeling jealous or envious of another entrepreneur or online business owner, ask yourself: what is it that they have that I want?” Then use those envious feelings in a much more productive way. Episode 456


If you liked this blog post, you would LOVE my weekly sip list! It’s basically where I put all of my favorite things from the week into an email – curated for you. It’s your weekly pour (from me to you) of sip-able social media updates, strategies, trends, stories, must listen podcast recs (probably some FRIENDS references) + more! *Ingredients will vary week to week. 

Take a sip for yourself – join the weekly sip list!