1. They spark more conversations by spending time engaging with other accounts.
*The easiest way to connect with someone new is to find something you both have in common! Think of being at a cocktail party and meeting someone new – maybe semi awkward at first UNTIL you realize you both have toddlers and love to binge watch reality TV with Ben & Jerry’s (insert literally anything) and BOOM: “Did we just become best friends?!”
Please do not spam DM people to tell them you’re in real estate. Be human, make friends & provide value & it’ll happen naturally. It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason!
Pro Tip: Search local hashtags (start by typing in your city name into the IG search bar and see what comes up – try adding words like “city name + home” or “city name + life”) then find accounts you want to connect with. Watch their story and reply if you find something you can relate to or that you like.
2️. They always have an active IG story. Did you know 1 in 5 IG stories leads to a DM? If you want to start having more authentic-relationship building convos, you have to give them something to talk about! Aim to share a story 3-5 times per day. No need to overthink this, just document your life. Your behind the scenes of real estate and what you’re doing when you’re not working. Bonus points if you use polls and quiz stickers!
*Here’s one to try RIGHT NOW: share a clip behind the scenes of what you’re up to, followed by a poll asking “What are your Saturday plans?” Netflix or Busy day – reply to the people who interact: “What are you watching?!”
3️. They are more focused on creating valuable and entertaining content than on their grid aesthetic. Can you have both? For sure! But a pretty grid alone isn’t going to drive more conversations. You have to think: What is in it for them (not what is in it for you). Why should someone care about the content you’re putting out there?
Not sure what to post or what your people want to see? Poll them in your stories with this or that options to see what they’re most interested in. Then mix in your real estate expertise and your personality for a killer social strategy!
Still feeling stuck on content ideas? I put together a list of 55 creative content ideas for real estate agents! And did I mention, it’s free?! Click here for ideas!