My all-time favorite movie – It’s Complicated. 

You know, the Nancy Meyers classic (with Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin) about Jane Adler and her complicated relationship with her ex husband. 

One of the best things about the Nancy Meyers movies, the aesthetics. They feel cozy and like the settings were pulled straight from your Pinterest board. (Seriously, if I could copy and paste Jane’s kitchen IRL, I would!) 

But with all of these movies, there’s always more than meets the eye. 

Sure the aesthetics are stunning, but underneath it all are complex issues the characters are dealing with. 

Just like with your social strategy. From the outside looking in, everything probably appears prim and polished. But on the inside it feels like a dumpster fire that you can’t help but pour more gasoline onto. 

Let’s put down the gasoline and slowly back away from that hot mess. And instead, let’s pretend that we’re sitting on Jane Adler’s slip covered sofas, drinking white wine, eating pie, and get into today’s episode: 4 ways your relationship with social media is complicated (AND how to uncomplicate it). 

Here are the 4 ways your relationship with social media is complicated. Listen to the episode for the list of ways to uncomplicate it! 

  1. You’re not following a plan
  2. You don’t have a real goal 
  3. Your strategy is reliant on trends and the algorithm
  4. You’re trying to do it alone

Things I mentioned in the show: 

AD Article – Why Everyone Wants a Nancy Meyers House

The wine I’m drinking – Avaline White Wine *pairs well with fresh cut flowers & pretending you’re in a real life nancy myers movie*

What my idea bank looks like (how I “hack” my way into being a planner)